AMRS, Inc. ID 8075937

  • Summary

    Formed in North Carolina, AMRS, Inc. is a business entity and is a Business Corporation under local business registration regulations. Assigned the registration number 1096929, according to the relevant government agency, it is Dissolved.

  • Status

    Dissolved updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Business Corporation more like this →

  • Address

    229 AIRPORT RD., STE 7, ARDEN NC 28704-6403
  • Officers

    SHEPPARD, RICHARD A. Registered Agent


    Michelle L Sheppard Vice President

    Richard Alan Sheppard President

  • Regulatory regime

    North Carolina Secretary of State

  • Update status

    Most recently updated at 2024-05-02 11:35:08 UTC

  • Comments

Encompass Holding, Inc. ID 9108215

  • Summary

    Created in North Carolina, Encompass Holding, Inc. is a registered business and is a Business Corporation under local business registration law. Having the registration number 0261378, according to the relevant government agency, it is now Multiple.

  • Status

    Multiple updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Business Corporation more like this →

  • Address

    PO BOX 619615 MD 4241, DALLAS TX 75261-9615
  • Officers

    SECRETARY OF STATE Registered Agent

  • Update status

    Last update: 2024-04-09 17:08:06 UTC